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The Power of Remote Healing

Shawn Marie Higgins, DO

Allowing focused healing intention to act uninhibited and free from physical impressions eliminates what I call Quantum Static.

~Shawn Marie Higgins, DO

Some people just plain respond better to this type of healing. That’s because everything is vibration. And their personal vibration is matched more equally within the vibrational field of energy transfer, than within the third dimensional field of physical transfer.

In my years as an osteopathic physician, utilizing both physical and spiritual modalities of healing, I have found that energy, sound and vibrational healing modalities are as effective, and oftentimes much more effective, than physical techniques.

One of the perks of energy, sound and vibration healing is that it can be done remotely, in other words, from a distance.

Remote visits allow you to be at home, alone, quiet, comfortable and relaxed. These types of visits eliminate much of the physical stimuli that we encounter when attending a face-to-face visit at a place of business.

With long-distance healing there is less transition

from the physical connection to the energetic connection.

The business of the physical world can distract our awareness away from the spiritual aspects of life and our connection to it. For example, when we show up to a place of business for an energy healing we’ve got to then shift gears from the physical hassle of going out and getting there to a relaxed state of receptivity. Remote healings eliminate the need for that. It takes less time and effort to just already be in that relaxed state – and then just stay there.

Even people with physical symptoms and pain can have better responses to sound, vibration and energy template healing than they did with physical manipulation.

And because there is less distraction, I, as a healer, can see more clearly into the body’s energy system. I can see things there that can be easily missed when distracted by the presence of physical tissue. Addressing the energy blocks and emotional trauma stored in physical symptoms and pain is paramount to fully healing!

Oftentimes intuitive information comes through and the patient receives messages from loved ones that have passed on or from spirit guides.

Sometimes deceased loved ones and spirit guides want to communicate with and comfort you. This is incredibly helpful to validate to YOU that the healing is REAL. Also, key advice is often given for both emotional and physical healing.

Is remote healing right for you?

Call 207-615-6956

To schedule a free 15-minute consult.

Or contact Dr. Higgins via email through this website.



© 2025 Shawn Marie Higgins, DO.  All right reserved.

Website design, all copywrite, content and images were created by Dr. Higgins and may not be used without permission 

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